
Automatically set the last modified date in YAML front matter of edited markdown files.

Quick start

Just cd into a folder containing a git repository, and run:

curl --location --remote-name \
    https://raw.githubusercontent.com/proinsias/yaml-update-last-modified-date/main/yaml-update-last-modified-date \
&& /usr/bin/env bash yaml-update-last-modified-date

This script will:

  1. look for markdown files that differ from the current HEAD,
  2. check to see if they contain the specified last-modified-date variable (last modified date by default) in their YAML front matter, if present, and
  3. update the value of that variable to the current Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) time.

See below for instructions on how to install this script as a local command or as a pre-commit git hook.

Table of Contents

Installation yaml-update-last-modified-date via homebrew

If necessary, first install homebrew!


brew install proinsias/yaml-update-last-modified-date/yaml-update-last-modified-date

Using yaml-update-last-modified-date with pre-commit

Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml:

- repo: https://github.com/proinsias/yaml-update-last-modified-date
  rev: '' # Use the sha / tag you want to point at
      - id: yaml-update-last-modified-date


Thanks to Michael Rose for the original script.



Updating the Table of Contents of this file

We use markdown-toc to automatically generate the table of contents for this file. You can update the TOC using:

# npm install --global markdown-toc

markdown-toc -i README.md