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To extract the integer value of days from a numpy.timedelta64 in pandas, use dt.days to obtain the days attribute as integers.

In [14]: s = pd.Series(pd.timedelta_range(start='1 days', end='12 days', freq='3000T'))

In [15]: s
0    1 days 00:00:00
1    3 days 02:00:00
2    5 days 04:00:00
3    7 days 06:00:00
4    9 days 08:00:00
5   11 days 10:00:00
dtype: timedelta64[ns]

In [16]: s.dt.days
0     1
1     3
2     5
3     7
4     9
5    11
dtype: int64

You can use the .components property to access a reduced form of timedelta64.

In [17]: s.dt.components
   days  hours  minutes  seconds  milliseconds  microseconds  nanoseconds
0     1      0        0        0             0             0            0
1     3      2        0        0             0             0            0
2     5      4        0        0             0             0            0
3     7      6        0        0             0             0            0
4     9      8        0        0             0             0            0
5    11     10        0        0             0             0            0

Via Stack Overflow.

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